TACL 2013: Volume InformationTACL 2013. Sixth International Conference on Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic61 articles•224 pages•Published: July 28, 2014 PapersBernhard Banaschewski 1 | Nick Bezhanishvili 2-3 | Leonardo Manuel Cabrer and Hilary Priestley 4 | Silvio Ghilardi 5 | Rostislav Horcik 6-7 | George Metcalfe 8 | Alex Simpson 9 | Steve Awodey and Spencer Breiner 10-13 | Steve Awodey, Kohei Kishida and Hans-Christoph Kotzsch 14-16 | Richard Ball 17-21 | Guram Bezhanishvili, David Gabelaia and Mamuka Jibladze 22-26 | Guram Bezhanishvili, David Gabelaia and Joel Lucero-Bryan 27-30 | Guram Bezhanishvili, Vincenzo Marra, Patrick J. Morandi and Bruce Olberding 31-34 | Michal Botur and Jan Paseka 35-38 | Riquelmi Cardona 39-42 | Petr Cintula and Carles Noguera 43-47 | Alex Citkin 48-51 | Willem Conradie, Yves Fomatati, Alessandra Palmigiano and Sumit Sourabh 52-56 | Willem Conradie, Yves Fomatati, Alessandra Palmigiano and Sumit Sourabh 57-60 | Wojciech Dzik and Michał Stronkowski 61-63 | Amir Ehsani 64-67 | Sergio A. Celani, María Esteban and Ramón Jansana 68-71 | Jérôme Fortier and Luigi Santocanale 72-75 | Nikolaos Galatos and Rostislav Horcik 76-79 | José Gil-Férez, Antonio Ledda and Constantine Tsinakis 80-81 | Jeroen Goudsmit 82-84 | Giuseppe Greco, Alexander Kurz and Alessandra Palmigiano 85-87 | Antonio Di Nola, Revaz Grigolia and Giacomo Lenzi 88-91 | Cosimo Guido 92-95 | Thomas Icard and Lawrence Moss 96-100 | Jiří Janda and Zdenka Riečanová 101-104 | Ramon Jansana and Umberto Rivieccio 105-108 | Gejza Jenča 109-112 | Peter Jipsen 113-119 | Achim Jung and Umberto Rivieccio 120-124 | Tomasz Kowalski 125-128 | Tomas Kroupa 129-132 | David Kruml 133-135 | Andrey Kudinov 136-139 | Jan Kühr and Michal Botur 140 | Antonio Ledda, Tomasz Kowalski, Francesco Paoli and Antonino Salibra 141-144 | Robert Lubarsky and Fred Richman 145-147 | Vincenzo Marra, Daniel McNeill and Andrea Pedrini 148-152 | Vincenzo Marra, Daniel Mcneill and Andrea Pedrini 153-157 | Larry Moss, Jayampathy Ratnayake and Robert Rose 158-162 | Alexei Y Muravitsky 163-166 | Celestin Lele and Jean Bernard Nganou 167-170 | Jorge Picado and Javier Gutiérrez García 171-175 | Silvia Pulmannova 176-178 | Claudette Robinson and Willem Conradie 179-182 | Xavier Caicedo, George Metcalfe, Ricardo Rodriguez and Jonas Rogger 183-186 | Anna Romanowska and Jonathan Smith 187-190 | Majid Alizadeh, Mohammad Ardeshir and Wim Ruitenburg 191-194 | Denis I. Saveliev 195-198 | Ilya Shapirovskiy and Valentin Shehtman 199-203 | Dmitry Skvortsov 204-207 | Radek Šlesinger 208-210 | Sergejs Solovjovs 211-212 | Luca Spada 213-216 | William Young 217-220 | Zhao Dongsheng and Xi Xiaoyong 221-224 |
KeyphrasesAbelian groups, admissible rules, algebraic geometry, algebraic logic, algorithmic correspondence, Almost structural completeness, archimedean lattice-ordered group, basic logic, Belnap logic, bimodule, BL-algebra, Boolean algebra, Boolean-like algebra, Boolean power, Bull theorem, Burnside problem, C*-algebra2, Canonical Formula, Cantor derivative, Categorical adjunction, categorical logic, Categorical methods in logic, categorical proof theory, categorically-algebraic topology, category theory, Cayley, closed maps, co-algebra, Co-medial algebra, Co-paramedial algebra, coalgebra, commutative monoid, compact Hausdorff space2, completely separated sublocales, conditional expectation, constant domains principle, Constructivism, continuous extension, Continuous poset, continuous real function, continuous real-valued function, conucleus, convex effect algebra, correspondence theory, countable model property, dcpo, De Morgan monoids, decision procedure, derivatinal operator, derivational modal logic, Di Nolas representation Theorem, diagram category, difference modality, discriminator variety, double-pointed variety, effect algebra4, Entropic Algebra, equationally definable principal relative congruences, Esakia duality, Extended-order algebras, extremally disconnected frame, Farkas' Lemma, final coalgebra, finite axiomatization, finite embeddability property2, finite model property4, finitely presented algebra, first-order logic, fixpoints, fmp, fractal set, frame and locale, free Boolean extensions and MacNeille completions, functor semantics, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Logics, Gabbay-de Jongh logics, Galois adjunction, GBL-algebras, generalized Myhill theorem, Glivenko Theorem, GMV-algebras, good sequence, Gödel logic, Heyting algebras, Higher-Order Modal Logic, Hilbert Algebras, Hilbert Nullstellensatz, Hilbert space effect-representation, Holland, Hopf algebra, hybrid logic, idempotent semimodule, idempotent semiring, Implicative algebras, Inductive and Coinductive Types, initial algebra, initial and final (co)algebras, intermediate logic, intermediate logics, intuitionistic logic2, Jankov characteristic formula, join and meet infinite distributive laws, Jónsson-Tarski algebra, Jónsson-Tarski duality, Katetov relation, Kripke model, Kripke sheaf semantics, l-group, Lateral Completions, lattice homomorphism., lattice of intermediate logics, lattice of the normal extensions of the modal logic S4, lattice of varieties, Lattice-ordered Abelian group2, lattice with antitone involutions, locale, logical invariance, Lukasiewicz logic2, MacNeille completion, many-valued modal logic, Medial algebra, metric space, modal logic3, modal logics, modal mu-calculus2, modal product, module, Moebius transform, Monadic algebra, monoid, monotone and antitone functions, monotonicity calculus, MV-algebra8, MV-effect algebra2, N4-lattices2, non-classical logics, non-commutative topology, Noncommutative residuated lattices, normal continuous real function, normal frame, nuclei and Booleanization, nucleus, o-group, observable, open projection, ordered algebraic structures, ordered vector space, orthomodular lattice, paraconsistent Nelson logic2, Paramedial algebra, partially residuated lattice, point-set lattice-theoretic topology, pointfree topology, poset model of topological space, positive linear operators in Hilbert space, powerset theory, Priestley duality, projectable completion, Projectivealgebra, Proofs and Types, quantum double, quasivarieties, reduct, refutation systems, regular algebra, regular continuous real function, Regular element, regular language, relation algebras, Relational Systems, Relevant logics, representation, residuated lattice3, residuated lattices2, right residuated lattice, Sahlqvist correspondence, Sahlvist theory, scattered spaces, semicontinuous real function, semilattice, Semilattices, sober space, Specker algebra, Spectral space2, state, Stone dualities, Stone duality2, Stone-type dualities2, strong order unit2, strongly projectable completion, sublocale lattice, substructural logics, superintuitionistic predicate logics, tensor products of modal logics, topological category, topological co-axiom, topological duality, topological semantics, topological sematics, topological theory, topos-theoretic semantics, tower extension of topological categories, triad, twist-structures2, two-level syntax, typed lambda calculus, ultraproduct, universal algebra, universal topology, variety with ternary deductive term, vector lattice2, Visser logic, Well partially ordered sets, witness map, zero continuous real function. |