LPAR23: Keyword Index

Ad-hoc overloadingA Mechanised Semantics for HOL with Ad-hoc Overloading
AI heuristicsDecision levels are stable: towards better SAT heuristics
alternating Turing machinesEntailment Checking in Separation Logic with Inductive Definitions is 2-EXPTIME hard
Analysis by simulationA compositional semantics for Repairable Fault Trees with general distributions
Answer Set ProgrammingAn ASP-based Approach for Boolean Networks Representation and Attractor Detection
antiprenexingAntiprenexing for WSkS: A Little Goes a Long Way
attractorsAn ASP-based Approach for Boolean Networks Representation and Attractor Detection
automataAntiprenexing for WSkS: A Little Goes a Long Way
automated reasoningDecision levels are stable: towards better SAT heuristics
automated theorem provingStateful Premise Selection by Recurrent Neural Networks
axiomatisationModels of Concurrent Kleene Algebra
BioinformaticsAn ASP-based Approach for Boolean Networks Representation and Attractor Detection
Boolean networksAn ASP-based Approach for Boolean Networks Representation and Attractor Detection
Boolean satisfiabilityFinding Periodic Apartments via Boolean Satisfiability and Orderly Generation
Boolean SensitivitySensitivity Analysis of Locked Circuits
CDCLA Verified SAT Solver Framework including Optimization and Partial Valuations
CDCL with branch and boundA Verified SAT Solver Framework including Optimization and Partial Valuations
chromatic number of the planeColoring Unit-Distance Strips using SAT
clausesNACRE - A Nogood And Clause Reasoning Engine
combinatorsDeep Reinforcement Learning for Synthesizing Functions in Higher-Order Logic
common knowledgeLearning What Others Know
communicationLearning What Others Know
completenessModels of Concurrent Kleene Algebra
complexityFinding Small Proofs for Description Logic Entailments: Theory and Practice
Entailment Checking in Separation Logic with Inductive Definitions is 2-EXPTIME hard
computer mathematicsFinding Periodic Apartments via Boolean Satisfiability and Orderly Generation
Concurrent Kleene AlgebraModels of Concurrent Kleene Algebra
Constraint ProgrammingNACRE - A Nogood And Clause Reasoning Engine
constraint solvingDecision levels are stable: towards better SAT heuristics
CoqTactic Learning and Proving for the Coq Proof Assistant
data structuresLearning Data Structure Shapes from Memory Graphs
decidabilityPolynomial Loops: Beyond Termination
decision procedureBeyond Symbolic Heaps: Deciding Separation Logic With Inductive Definitions
Deep Neural NetworksMinimal Modifications of Deep Neural Networks using Verification
deep neural networks modificationMinimal Modifications of Deep Neural Networks using Verification
Description LogicFinding Small Proofs for Description Logic Entailments: Theory and Practice
diagnosisRotation Based MSS/MCS Enumeration
Diophantine equationsDeep Reinforcement Learning for Synthesizing Functions in Higher-Order Logic
distributed knowledgeLearning What Others Know
DRAT proofsRAT Elimination
Dynamic Fault TreesA compositional semantics for Repairable Fault Trees with general distributions
dynamic logicLearning What Others Know
electronic circuitsSensitivity Analysis of Locked Circuits
epistemic logicLearning What Others Know
equivalenceInduction Models on $\mathbb{N}$
explanationFinding Small Proofs for Description Logic Entailments: Theory and Practice
Fault Tree AnalysisA compositional semantics for Repairable Fault Trees with general distributions
functional programming languagesA typed parallel lambda-calculus via 1-depth intermediate proofs
graph coloringColoring Unit-Distance Strips using SAT
Gromov's subgroup conjectureFinding Periodic Apartments via Boolean Satisfiability and Orderly Generation
guarded fragmentThe Triguarded Fragment with Transitivity
halting problemPolynomial Loops: Beyond Termination
higher-order logicA Mechanised Semantics for HOL with Ad-hoc Overloading
HOLDeep Reinforcement Learning for Synthesizing Functions in Higher-Order Logic
hypersequent calculiA typed parallel lambda-calculus via 1-depth intermediate proofs
inductionEntailment Checking in Separation Logic with Inductive Definitions is 2-EXPTIME hard
Induction ModelsInduction Models on $\mathbb{N}$
Infeasibility analysisRotation Based MSS/MCS Enumeration
information flow securityParameter Synthesis for Probabilistic Hyperproperties
information sharingLearning What Others Know
Input/Output Stochastic AutomataA compositional semantics for Repairable Fault Trees with general distributions
interactive theorem provingTactic Learning and Proving for the Coq Proof Assistant
A Mechanised Semantics for HOL with Ad-hoc Overloading
intermediate logicsA typed parallel lambda-calculus via 1-depth intermediate proofs
Knowledge AccessOn Reasoning about Access to Knowledge
Knowledge HidingOn Reasoning about Access to Knowledge
knowledge sharingOn Reasoning about Access to Knowledge
lambda calculusA typed parallel lambda-calculus via 1-depth intermediate proofs
litmus testModels of Concurrent Kleene Algebra
Logic LockingSensitivity Analysis of Locked Circuits
logic programmingDecision levels are stable: towards better SAT heuristics
An ASP-based Approach for Boolean Networks Representation and Attractor Detection
machine learningTactic Learning and Proving for the Coq Proof Assistant
Stateful Premise Selection by Recurrent Neural Networks
Mathematical InductionInduction Models on $\mathbb{N}$
Maximal satisfiable subsetsRotation Based MSS/MCS Enumeration
MCSRotation Based MSS/MCS Enumeration
Minimal Correction SubsetsRotation Based MSS/MCS Enumeration
MSSRotation Based MSS/MCS Enumeration
natural deductionA typed parallel lambda-calculus via 1-depth intermediate proofs
neural networks verificationMinimal Modifications of Deep Neural Networks using Verification
neural networks watermarkingMinimal Modifications of Deep Neural Networks using Verification
nogoodsNACRE - A Nogood And Clause Reasoning Engine
orderly generationFinding Periodic Apartments via Boolean Satisfiability and Orderly Generation
Partial Function ModelModels of Concurrent Kleene Algebra
PreprocessingAntiprenexing for WSkS: A Little Goes a Long Way
probabilistic systemsParameter Synthesis for Probabilistic Hyperproperties
PrologLearning Data Structure Shapes from Memory Graphs
Proof synthesisTactic Learning and Proving for the Coq Proof Assistant
Proof-based interpolationRAT Elimination
proofsFinding Small Proofs for Description Logic Entailments: Theory and Practice
propositional logicRAT Elimination
On Reasoning about Access to Knowledge
Recurrent Neural NetworksStateful Premise Selection by Recurrent Neural Networks
reductionInduction Models on $\mathbb{N}$
Reinforcement LearningDeep Reinforcement Learning for Synthesizing Functions in Higher-Order Logic
Repairable Fault TreesA compositional semantics for Repairable Fault Trees with general distributions
Runtime ComplexityPolynomial Loops: Beyond Termination
SATNACRE - A Nogood And Clause Reasoning Engine
SAT solvingColoring Unit-Distance Strips using SAT
RAT Elimination
SAT/SMTDecision levels are stable: towards better SAT heuristics
satisfiabilitySensitivity Analysis of Locked Circuits
satisfiability problemThe Triguarded Fragment with Transitivity
semantic modelA compositional semantics for Repairable Fault Trees with general distributions
separation logicLearning Data Structure Shapes from Memory Graphs
Entailment Checking in Separation Logic with Inductive Definitions is 2-EXPTIME hard
Beyond Symbolic Heaps: Deciding Separation Logic With Inductive Definitions
shape predicatesLearning Data Structure Shapes from Memory Graphs
solverNACRE - A Nogood And Clause Reasoning Engine
synthesisParameter Synthesis for Probabilistic Hyperproperties
Tactic SearchTactic Learning and Proving for the Coq Proof Assistant
terminationPolynomial Loops: Beyond Termination
transitive relationsThe Triguarded Fragment with Transitivity
tree neural networksDeep Reinforcement Learning for Synthesizing Functions in Higher-Order Logic
triguarded fragmentThe Triguarded Fragment with Transitivity
two-variable fragmentThe Triguarded Fragment with Transitivity
type theoryA typed parallel lambda-calculus via 1-depth intermediate proofs
undecidabilityBeyond Symbolic Heaps: Deciding Separation Logic With Inductive Definitions
verificationA Verified SAT Solver Framework including Optimization and Partial Valuations
Minimal Modifications of Deep Neural Networks using Verification
Weak determinismA compositional semantics for Repairable Fault Trees with general distributions
weak monadic second-order logicAntiprenexing for WSkS: A Little Goes a Long Way
WSkSAntiprenexing for WSkS: A Little Goes a Long Way