BICOB-2023: Keyword Index

association analysisAn Association Analysis of Breast Cancer with Carotenoids.
Attractors landscapeUncovering the role of mutations in Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition through computational analysis of the underlying gene regulatory network
BioinformaticsBiomarker discovery in multi-omics datasets using tensor decompositions; A comprehensive review
Utilizing Functional Annotation of Disease Genes for Disease Clustering
The Velvet Assembler Using OpenACC Directives
biomarker discoveryBiomarker discovery in multi-omics datasets using tensor decompositions; A comprehensive review
biomarkersAn Association Analysis of Breast Cancer with Carotenoids.
cancerAn Association Analysis of Breast Cancer with Carotenoids.
Cell differentiation and morphogenesisClarifying the biological nature of the interaction between the systems-based epigenetic landscape and the epigenome
CNNClassifying Protein Families with Learned Compressed Representations
complex networksUncovering the particularities of the dynamical interaction between cancer-related Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and the Mammalian Cell Cycle: a feedback-based Boolean networks interconnection approach
COVID-19Uncovering the interdependence between hypertension and the inflammatory response for the patient affected by Covid 19 through mathematical modeling and computer-based analysis
Discrete Boolean networksUncovering the particularities of the dynamical interaction between cancer-related Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and the Mammalian Cell Cycle: a feedback-based Boolean networks interconnection approach
Uncovering the interdependence between hypertension and the inflammatory response for the patient affected by Covid 19 through mathematical modeling and computer-based analysis
Uncovering the role of mutations in Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition through computational analysis of the underlying gene regulatory network
Disease clusteringUtilizing Functional Annotation of Disease Genes for Disease Clustering
Disease similarity and relationshipUtilizing Functional Annotation of Disease Genes for Disease Clustering
Epigenetic regulationClarifying the biological nature of the interaction between the systems-based epigenetic landscape and the epigenome
epigenomicsClarifying the biological nature of the interaction between the systems-based epigenetic landscape and the epigenome
Epithelial cancerUncovering the particularities of the dynamical interaction between cancer-related Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and the Mammalian Cell Cycle: a feedback-based Boolean networks interconnection approach
Uncovering the role of mutations in Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition through computational analysis of the underlying gene regulatory network
epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitionUncovering the particularities of the dynamical interaction between cancer-related Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and the Mammalian Cell Cycle: a feedback-based Boolean networks interconnection approach
Uncovering the role of mutations in Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition through computational analysis of the underlying gene regulatory network
Feedback-based interactionsUncovering the particularities of the dynamical interaction between cancer-related Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and the Mammalian Cell Cycle: a feedback-based Boolean networks interconnection approach
gene mutationsUncovering the role of mutations in Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition through computational analysis of the underlying gene regulatory network
gene regulatory networksUncovering the particularities of the dynamical interaction between cancer-related Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and the Mammalian Cell Cycle: a feedback-based Boolean networks interconnection approach
Uncovering the interdependence between hypertension and the inflammatory response for the patient affected by Covid 19 through mathematical modeling and computer-based analysis
Uncovering the role of mutations in Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition through computational analysis of the underlying gene regulatory network
Human blood pressure patternsUncovering the interdependence between hypertension and the inflammatory response for the patient affected by Covid 19 through mathematical modeling and computer-based analysis
human exposomeAn Association Analysis of Breast Cancer with Carotenoids.
HypertensionUncovering the interdependence between hypertension and the inflammatory response for the patient affected by Covid 19 through mathematical modeling and computer-based analysis
Inductive Vs Transductive SVMTransmembrane Protein Inter-Helical Residue Contacts Prediction Using Transductive Support Vector Machines
Inflammatory responseUncovering the interdependence between hypertension and the inflammatory response for the patient affected by Covid 19 through mathematical modeling and computer-based analysis
Inter-Helical Residue ContactsTransmembrane Protein Inter-Helical Residue Contacts Prediction Using Transductive Support Vector Machines
machine learningClassifying Protein Families with Learned Compressed Representations
mammalian cell cycleUncovering the particularities of the dynamical interaction between cancer-related Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and the Mammalian Cell Cycle: a feedback-based Boolean networks interconnection approach
medical systems biologyUncovering the role of mutations in Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition through computational analysis of the underlying gene regulatory network
Methematical modelingUncovering the interdependence between hypertension and the inflammatory response for the patient affected by Covid 19 through mathematical modeling and computer-based analysis
multi-omicsBiomarker discovery in multi-omics datasets using tensor decompositions; A comprehensive review
neural networkClassifying Protein Families with Learned Compressed Representations
OpenACCThe Velvet Assembler Using OpenACC Directives
parallel programThe Velvet Assembler Using OpenACC Directives
Protein family classificationClassifying Protein Families with Learned Compressed Representations
reachability analysisUncovering the role of mutations in Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition through computational analysis of the underlying gene regulatory network
semi-tensor productUncovering the role of mutations in Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition through computational analysis of the underlying gene regulatory network
systems biologyUncovering the interdependence between hypertension and the inflammatory response for the patient affected by Covid 19 through mathematical modeling and computer-based analysis
Clarifying the biological nature of the interaction between the systems-based epigenetic landscape and the epigenome
Systems biology of cancerUncovering the particularities of the dynamical interaction between cancer-related Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and the Mammalian Cell Cycle: a feedback-based Boolean networks interconnection approach
Systems-based epigeneticsClarifying the biological nature of the interaction between the systems-based epigenetic landscape and the epigenome
tensor decompositionsBiomarker discovery in multi-omics datasets using tensor decompositions; A comprehensive review
Transductive Support Vector MachinesTransmembrane Protein Inter-Helical Residue Contacts Prediction Using Transductive Support Vector Machines
transmembrane proteinTransmembrane Protein Inter-Helical Residue Contacts Prediction Using Transductive Support Vector Machines
VAEClassifying Protein Families with Learned Compressed Representations
VelvetThe Velvet Assembler Using OpenACC Directives