Download PDFOpen PDF in browserClassification of Students' Interest Patterns in Sebiru-Biru Senior High School to Continue Their Education to Higher Education with CRISP-DMEasyChair Preprint 15845, version 214 pages•Date: March 5, 2025AbstractThe quality of education greatly affects the quality of human resources in the future. In Indonesia, students' interest in continuing their education to college is often influenced by various factors, such as economic conditions, personal aspirations, family influences, and information obtained regarding career choices, and so on. The quality of education in our country compared to other countries is very worrying, as we all know and see. SMA Masehi Sebiru-biru is a high school that has successfully graduated an average of 100 students each year. With a percentage of only ±20% of students who graduate who continue their education to college, which means that there is still a lack of awareness of SMA Masehi Sebiru-biru students about the importance of continuing their education to college. Based on this, the author wants to find out what factors influence the interest of SMA Masehi Sebiru-biru students to continue their education to college using the Decision Tree and Naïve Bayes methods. Keyphrases: Data Mining, Naïve Bayes, decision trees