IJCRS 2025: International Joint Conference on Rough Sets 2025 Chongqing, China, May 11-13, 2025 |
Conference website | http://ijcrs2025.cqupt.edu.cn |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ijcrs2025 |
Poster | download |
Abstract registration deadline | March 7, 2025 |
Submission deadline | March 7, 2025 |
IJCRS 2025:International Joint Conference on Rough Sets 2025——Call for Papers
The International Joint Conference on Rough Sets 2025 (IJCRS 2025) will take place in Chongqing (China) from May 11 to May 13, 2025, organized by the Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Chongqing Normal University, and co-organized by CAAI Granular Computing and Knowledge Discovery Technical Committee. IJCRS is the principal international conference sponsored by the International Rough Set Society (IRSS).
The IJCRS conference aims to be the main location for disseminating novel foundational results and practical applications, enabling the discussion of problems and exchange of ideas, as well as bringing together academic and industrial perspectives, centered around rough sets and related disciplines (such as granular computing, three-way decisions and fuzzy sets).
We invite submissions of original and previously unpublished research on rough set theory, including but not limited to the following topics:
- Core Rough Set Models and Methods:
- Covering/Neighborhood-based rough set models
- Decision-theoretic rough set models
- Dominance-based rough set models
- Game-theoretic rough set models
- Logic in rough set models
- Partial rough set models
- Rough-Bayesian models
- Rough clustering
- Rough computing
- Rough mereology
- Rough-set-based feature selection
- Rule-based systems
- Variable precision rough set models
- Related Methods and Hybridization:
- Anomaly, outlier, and novelty detection
- Decision support systems
- Dempster-Shafer theory
- Formal concept analysis
- Fuzzy sets
- Fuzzy rough sets and rough fuzzy sets
- Granular computing
- Intelligent agent models
- Interval computations
- Nature-inspired computation models
- Petri nets
- Rough sets in data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning
- Three-way decision
- Three-way data analytics
- Topology and matroids
- Uncertain and approximate reasoning
- Uncertainty theory
- Areas of Applications:
- Astronomy and atmospheric sciences
- Big data analytics
- Bioinformatics
- Business intelligence and business data analytics
- Computer vision and image processing
- Cybernetics and robotics
- Financial markets
- Interactive computing
- Knowledge discovery
- Knowledge engineering and representation
- Medicine and health
- Natural language processing
- Retail and E-commerce
- Risk monitoring
- Semantic web
- Smart cities
- Telecommunications
- Transportation
- Web mining and text mining
- Special session: Exploring the intersection of soft computing and generative methods
- Special session: Soft clustering: applications and approaches
- Special session: Mathematical foundations of general rough sets, and their application to the foundations of AI and machine learning
- Workshop: Three-Way decision in advancing machine and human intelligence
- Workshop: Granular-ball Computing
- Deadline for special sessions and workshops submission: February 28, 2025
- Deadline for paper and extended abstracts submission: February 28, 2025
- Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2025
- Deadline for camera-ready version of accepted paper: April 6, 2025
- Conference: May 11-13, 2025
We accept two types of submissions:
- Extended abstracts will be published in the online pdf book of abstracts.
- Full-length papers (6-15 pages) will be published in the LNCS/LNAI Springer post-proceedings.
All submissions must follow Springer’s Instructions for Proceedings Authors and use either the Latex or the Word templates, which can be found on the Springer authors’ page. LaTex templates are available in Overleaf. All submitted works should follow Springer’s Code of Conduct.
Further details on extended abstracts:
Extended abstracts should include 1-4 pages and may describe work-in-progress as well as research that has been published else-where during the past year. Extended abstracts will not be included in the post-proceedings. They will be published as a digital book of abstracts on the conference website. Extended abstracts must be presented at the conference to be included in the book.
Further details on full-length papers:
Full-length papers (6-15 pages) will be published in the LNCS/LNAI Springer post-proceedings. Papers with more than 15 pages can be accepted. Papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Each submitted paper will be reviewed by at least three independent and anonymous reviewers. All accepted papers must be presented at the conference, and will be published in the conference post-proceedings, both in print and digitally. Accepted papers will be shared for exclusive use of the conference participants during the conference.
For authors who are interested in publishing open-access papers, please refer to Springer’s webpage for prices and additional information.
Previous IJCRS proceedings can be found at the following link https://link.springer.com/conference/ijcrs .
Conference Chairs
- Xinbo Gao (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
- Guoyin Wang (Chongqing Normal University, China)
- JingTao Yao (University of Regina, Canada)
- Chris Cornelis (Ghent University, Belgium)
Program Committee Chairs
- Qinghua Zhang (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
- Christopher Henry (University of Manitoba, Canada)
- Richard Jensen (Aberystwyth University, The United Kingdom)
Local Organizing Chairs
- Weisheng Li (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
- Shuyin Xia (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
- Weihua Xu (Southwest University, China)
- Yan Wei (Chongqing Normal University, China)
- Yabin Shao (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
Local Organizing Committee
- Sen Zhao (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
- Qin Xie (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
- Dawei Dai (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
- Binbin Sang (Chongqing Normal University, China)
- Xu Zhang (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
- Fan Zhao (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
- Xiaoyu Lian (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
Honorary Chairs
- Jiye Liang (Shanxi University, China)
- Andrzej Skowron (Systems Research Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
- Yiyu Yao (University of Regina, Canada)
Steering Committee Chairs
- Duoqian Miao (Tongji University, China)
- Witold Pedrycz (University of Alberta, Canada)
- Roman Słowiński (Poznań University of Technology, Poland)
Email: ijcrs25@hotmail.com
7.1 Exploring the intersection of soft computing and generative methods
Main topics
- Generative methods
- Normalizing flows
- Autoregressive models
- Variational autoencoders
- Energy-based models
- Generative adversarial networks
- Transformers
- Diffusion models
- Soft computing
- Rough sets
- Near sets
- Probabilistic rough sets
- Hybrid methods
- Fuzzy, rough, near
- Christopher Henry, University of Manitoba, christopher.henry@umanitoba.ca
- Sheela Ramanna, University of Winnipeg, s.ramanna@uwinnipeg.ca
7.2 Soft Clustering: Applications and Approaches
Main topics
- Theoretical foundations and algorithms for soft clustering
- Fuzzy, three-way and their extensions based soft clustering approaches
- Comparative studies of soft and hard clustering techniques
- Scalability and efficiency of soft clustering algorithms
- Applications of soft clustering in:
- Bioinformatics and computational biology
- Image and video processing
- Text and web mining
- ...
- ...
- Nouman Azam, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Peshawar Campus, Pakistan, nouman.azam@nu.edu.pk
- Bahar Ali, Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, Pakistan, baharali@imsciences.edu.pk
- Anwar Shah, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Chiniot-Faisalabad Campus, Pakistan, anwar.shah@nu.edu.
7.3 Mathematical foundations of general rough sets, and their application to the foundations of AI and machine learning
Main topics
- Topics of interest (but not necessarily limited to) include:
- Logico-Algebraic Models of Approximate Reasoning
- Topological Models and Variants
- Generalized Concepts in AI
- Meaningful AI
- LLMs and Rough Sets
- Three Way Decision-Making
- Foundations of Soft Clustering
- Pure Models from Applications
- ...
- A Mani, International Rough Set Society, a.mani.cms@gmail.com
- Stefania Boffa, Dipartimento Di Informatica, Sistemistica E Comunicazione Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, stefania.boffa@unimib.it
- Davide Ciucci, Dipartimento Di Informatica, Sistemistica E Comunicazione Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, davide.ciucci @unimib.it
8.1 Three-Way Decision in Advancing Machine and Human Intelligence
Main topics
- Three-way reasoning, thinking in threes, trilevel thinking, triadic thinking
- Methodology of three-way decision, tripartite methods, three-way learning
- Three-way decision for explainable artificial intelligence
- Three-way decision and granular computing, three-way decision and rough sets, three-way decision and fuzzy sets
- Three-way classification, three-way clustering, three-way conflict analysis, three-way formal concept analysis and three-way recommendation
- Three-way dynamic learning, incremental learning, and dynamic modeling
- Three-way decision in deep learning and three-way decision in machine learning
- Three-way decision in analyzing incomplete data
- Three-way decision in big data analysis and data mining
- Three-way multi-label learning and label distribution learning
- ...
Workshop chairs
- Dr. Mengjun Hu, Saint Mary’s University, Canada
- Dr. Guangming Lang, Changsha University of Science and Technology, China
- Dr. Aleksandra Szpakowska, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
Contact information
Dr. Mengjun Hu, Email: mengjun.hu@smu.ca, Webpage: https://cs.smu.ca/~mengjun/
Main topics
- Granular-ball rough set
- Granular-ball fuzzy set
- Granular-ball three-way decision
- Granular-ball computing in classification
- Granular-ball clustering
- Granular-ball reinforcement learning
- Granular-ball open continual learning
- Granular-ball natural language processing
- Granular-ball neural network
- Granular-ball evolutionary computing
- Granular-ball cloud model
Workshop chairs
- Shuyin Xia, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, xiasy@cqupt.edu.cn,
- Jiang Xie, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, xiejiang@cqupt.edu.cn,
- Xiaoyu Lian, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, lianxiaoyu724@qq.com.