RV Day Tokyo 2025 Spring: RISC-V Day Tokyo 2025 Spring Ito Hall, The University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan, February 27, 2025 |
Conference website | https://riscv.or.jp/risc-v-day-tokyo-2025-spring/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rvdaytokyo2025spring |
Abstract registration deadline | February 17, 2025 |
Submission deadline | February 26, 2025 |
Call for Posters for Poster Session at RISC-V Day Tokyo 2025 Spring (New)
In this RISC-V Day, we will hold a poster session to share the latest technology and research. We are looking forward to your participation and interaction with many participants.
To increase researcher’s exposure, develop careers, provide feedback and learning, enhance communication skills, and discover their own characteristics, RISC-V Day will add the following activities to the regular poster session for those who wish to.
For researchers who hold a poster session, the conference participation fee will be free. A free book (300 pages) will be presented at the site.
Participants will be given the opportunity to give a podium presentation in addition to explaining the poster, and the presentation will be video recorded.
This recorded video will be posted on the web, along with a PDF for the presentation, reaching a wider audience.
On the web, the participant’s BIO (history) and research keywords will be posted, and we will make it a high page rank in search.
The presentation does not have to be new content. Introductions to existing research and projects are also welcome. It is an opportunity to introduce your interests and experiments.
For those who wish, we will prepare a desk and power supply. Participants can do demos.
The following are the same as a normal poster session but let me explain the details.
Poster session participants are provided with individual panels (90cm x 180cm or 210cm), and it is suggested that they prepare an A0 size poster by themselves. If desired, a round table (90cm in diameter) will be set up next to the panel, and power and WiFi are planned to be provided.
The poster session is considered part of the presentation, and participants explain to visitors at their own panels.
We will arrange a coordination (including hosting) of the podium presentation.
Video recording, web creation, etc. will be prepared by the organizer.
Call for Themes
At RISC-V Day, we are calling for poster sessions on the following fields. These themes show new approaches to meet expanding computational needs and sustainability challenges.
RISC-V technology: Instruction sets, microarchitecture, integrated circuits, IP, chips, chiplets, systems, software, and the implementation of RISC-V extensions/customizations.
Open-Source Hardware Revolution: analog and digital open-source silicon, mixed-signal co-design methodologies, chiplet architectures for scalable and modular designs. open-source analog IPs enabling high-speed digital design and high-speed interconnect, interface IPs. Seamless integration with advanced node technologies. open source NVM support.
Security Hardware and Quantum-Resistant Cryptography: Hardware implementations of quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms (e.g., NIST PQC standards like CRYSTALS-Kyber, CRYSTALS-Dilithium).
RISC-V-based Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) and secure enclaves. Tamper-resistant designs and hardware root of trust (RoT) solutions. New attack method, secure key storage, side-channel attack mitigation, and post-quantum secure hardware support.
Security Software and Cloud security management: Secure OS ideas.
Hardware and Software Co-design: Examples and case studies showing the impact of RISC-V and open-source hardware or software development, and vice versa.
AI and Machine Learning: custom hardware for AI/ML Acceleration, designing domain-specific architectures (DSAs) such as TPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs to accelerate neural network operations. Emerging trends in hardware-software co-optimization for deep learning tasks. transformer engines and LLM optimization. Specialized hardware for large language models (LLMs) and transformer-based architectures. Techniques to reduce memory bottlenecks and optimize inference/training workloads. Energy-Efficient AI Hardware: Low-power hardware for AI at the edge, such as AIoT devices and wearable technologies. Techniques like approximate computing and sparsity exploitation for reducing energy consumption.
Edge AI and On-Device Learning: Real-time processing on edge devices for applications like autonomous vehicles, drones, and industrial robots. AI for Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Hardware advancements for real-time perception, decision-making, and control in robotics. AI-driven innovations in sensor fusion, SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping), and path planning. Efficient algorithms and hardware for federated learning in decentralized environments.
AI for Healthcare and Biomedical Applications: Custom hardware for AI-based diagnostic tools, medical imaging, and drug discovery. Innovations in AI-driven wearable devices for real-time health monitoring.
Hybrid AI Systems: Integration of CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and DSAs for heterogeneous AI workloads. AI for Vision and Speech Processing: Hardware and algorithms for image recognition, object detection, and scene understanding. Accelerators for speech recognition, text-to-speech, and natural language processing (NLP).
Benchmarks and Performance Metrics for AI Systems: Tools and methodologies for evaluating the performance of AI hardware across different workloads. Standardizing metrics to compare energy efficiency, latency, and throughput in AI systems.
Real World RISC-V Applications: Industry or research projects that have used RISC-V in product development, research outcomes, e.g. AI PC, ROS system, etc..
Security technologies for open architecture: Quantum-resistant cryptography, trusted hardware, tamper-resistant designs, and side-channel attack mitigations.
Quantum Computing Hardware: Quantum Processors: Development of qubits using various technologies e.g., superconducting qubits, trapped ions, photonic qubits. Quantum Error Correction: Techniques to mitigate decoherence and noise in quantum systems. Quantum Interconnects: High-speed data transfer between qubits and quantum processors. Cryogenic Systems: Hardware for maintaining the extremely low temperatures required for certain quantum technologies. Quantum Sensors: Precision measurement devices using quantum phenomena like entanglement and superposition.
Secret Computing – Privacy-enhancing data analysis technology represented by Homomorphic Encryption, which computes with encrypted data.
In addition to the above, we are soliciting poster sessions on a wide range of RISC-V related fields. We will review new ideas, research results, business applications, etc., with an open mind, so please feel free to apply.
Abstract registration deadline: February 17, 2025
Submission deadline: February 19, 2025
If the proposal arrives early, we will inform you of the acceptance/rejection result before February 19.
Submission Guidelines
Submission site: TBD
The poster should be of A0 size, portrait orientation.
The title, authors and their affiliations should be clearly visible at the top of the poster.
The poster should be easy to read from 1.5 meters.
The authors are required to include an abstract (up to 250 words) along with their submission.
Assessment Criteria
The posters will be judged based on the following criteria:
- Originality and novelty of the research/idea.
- Quality and clarity of the research methodology.
- Relevance to the themes of the conference.
- Quality of the poster design and presentation.
The best poster will be awarded at the closing ceremony of the conference, based on the assessment of the judges.
We look forward to your active participation in RISC-V Day! Let’s contribute to the evolution of computing technology and sustainability together with RISC-V.
(Note: Please ensure to adhere to COVID-19 safety guidelines as recommended by the health authorities during the conference.)
All questions about submissions should be emailed to Hironori Nakajo <nakajo@cc.tuat.ac.jp>.
Call for Posters for Poster Session at RISC-V Day Tokyo 2025 Spring (New)
今回のRISC-V Dayでは、最新の技術や研究を紹介するポスターセッションを開催いたします。多くの皆様のご参加、ご交流をお待ちしております。RISC-V Dayでは、研究者の露出を高め、キャリアを発展させ、フィードバックと学びを提供し、コミュニケーション能力を高め、自らの特性を発見するために、希望者を対象に通常のポスターセッションに加え、以下のアクティビティを追加します。
ポスターセッションの参加者には個別のパネル(90cm x 180cmまたは210cm)が用意されており、各自持参していただいたA0サイズのポスターを貼ることができます。希望者には、パネルの隣に直径90cmの円卓が設置され、電源とWiFiが提供される予定です。
Call for Themes
RISC-V Dayでは、以下の分野に関するポスターセッションの参加を募集しています。これらのテーマは、拡大する計算ニーズと持続可能性の課題に対処する新しいアプローチを示しています。
RISC-V技術: 命令セット、マイクロアーキテクチャ、集積回路、IP、チップ、システム、ソフトウェア、およびRISC-V拡張/カスタマイズの実装。
オープンソースハードウェアの革命: RISC-Vを基盤とするオープンなシリコン。グリーンコンピューティング: RISC-Vベースのソリューションを含む、コンピューティング環境でのエネルギー消費を削減するための技術。
ハードウェアとソフトウェアの共同設計: RISC-Vおよびオープンソースハードウェアがソフトウェア開発に与える影響や逆のケーススタディを示す例。
AIおよび機械学習: RISC-Vの役割、AI/MLワークロードの加速、AI/ML向けのハードウェアのカスタマイズなど。
リアルワールドアプリケーション: RISC-Vを製品開発や研究成果などで使用した産業または研究プロジェクト。
イノベーティブコンピューティングエリア1: 量子コンピューティング。
イノベーティブコンピューティングエリア2: シークレットコンピューティング – ホモモーフィック暗号などによる、暗号化されたデータを用いたプライバシー強化データ分析技術。
Abstract registration deadline: February 17, 2025
Submission deadline: February 19, 2025
Submission Guidelines
Submission site: TBD
- ポスターはA0サイズで、縦向きのレイアウトにしてください。
- ポスターの上部には、タイトル、著者名、および所属機関が明瞭に表示されるようにしてください。
- ポスターは1.5メートルの距離からも簡単に読み取れるようにする必要があります。
- 提出の際に、250ワードまでの要約を必ず含めるようにしてください。
Assessment Criteria
- 研究/アイデアの独自性と革新性。
- 研究方法論の質と明確さ。
- 会議のテーマへの関連性。
- ポスターデザインとプレゼンテーションの質。
RISC-V Dayへのご活発なご参加をお待ちしております!RISC-Vと共に、コンピューティング技術と持続可能性の進化に貢献しましょう。
(注意: 会議中は、健康当局が推奨するCOVID-19安全ガイドラインに必ず従ってください。)
All questions about submissions should be emailed to Hironori Nakajo <nakajo@cc.tuat.ac.jp>.